Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Camp Chronicles - Wednesday

"Describe practice today in one word."

"Emotional," Several girls replied to my one-word survey at dinner tonight. Today there were many tears, but also smiles of joy. The tears were partly attributed to several videos we watched throughout the day. I got chills as I listened to the story of Christ's death from the eyes of Simon of Cyrene. I saw Peter realize the depth of God's grace, though he was the last person that deserved it. I watched a man let God mold him into the person God wanted him to be, but the "chiseling" process was painful.

"Freeing," Many other girls answered. Early in the day we sat in the front rows with our masks. Eden had us pray about taking off our real masks in real life, then hang the fake ones on the cross when we were ready. And masks came off in a big way. I thought long and hard, because a mask isn't something I take lightly. I reached the point of surrender slowly and tearfully, but God brought me to a place of trust in Him. I pray that the girls and I will treasure that moment for years to come.

"A roller-coaster!" Some said. Today had some really high moments and some low moments. We finished choreographing "In Christ Alone" and the freestyle dance time near the end was definitely one of those beautiful moments for me.

"Laid-back," One student mentioned, and another said "relaxed." We had much less physical activity today and replaced the dancing with more devotional time. We talked about David and the mask he wore. We worked on the songs with less movement this practice, but several girls thought that even though we didn't move around as much, the day was still "tiring."

Other answers included "peaceful," "indescribable," "confusing," "fun," filled with "anticipation," like a "rainbow," "mixed," and "strong." The girls' different opinions on the day impacted me nearly as much as the day itself! I have known some of these girls prior to camp, and some I've never met before. I was able to relate to many of their answers and the explanations behind them.

Personally, I felt two things today. First, there was a spiritual battle going on in the room. Second, I felt like we united to fight that battle, and I saw God working today. And guess what? There's still two days and a concert left for Him to make more miracles! Stay tuned to see how God wraps this story up! While you're waiting, be praying about the girls' decisions to trust God with their masks, leaving them at the Cross.

Thanks for reading!

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